Friday, December 30, 2005

Minnesota Fanatic

Gentleman, thank you for including me in your blog. Just for the record, we have 2 Apple Stores in MN with a third on deck. We were hit with a typical winter snow storm last night. Here I am headed off to get some more memory for my PowerBook. We're a hardy bunch up here! Anybody have a favorite wigget?
Happy New Year to all!

Virus disguises itself as MSN Messenger beta

Saw this on the internet. Thought it might be of interest for the MSN inflicted computer users.

MSN story

Monday, December 12, 2005

Chicago Style Hot Dogs


This is the hot dog I was talking about. This picture does not do the florescence of the relish justice though. The large slices of tomato are also a signature of Chicago style. Yum.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Apple Store Chicago

Gentlemen, the Apple Store Chicago is an amazing site! We went there last weekend and just had a blast at the store. It's two stories, and the genius bar is HUGE. Definitely a must see site for anyone traveling to Chicago!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Now that I've got your attention

Sorry for the flashing message about "Macintosh not-so-fanatica". Just wanted to get your attention. Sounds like the postings will be limited until after Christmas. Merry Christmas to all. See you in 2006.

St. Nick

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Red swingline stapler from Officespace hanging out at the Genius Bar

If you have not seen the movie "Office Space" then I don't think this would be funny.