Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Leopard ready to Roar!

The word on the web is that Leopard has gone "Gold Master":

Gold Master

How many of you enterprising young men are looking to make the jump? I know I'm jumping in head first!


Stitch said...

I would love to jump but for now I am still running jaguar. I am looking forward to how the release of Leopard will cut the price of Tiger substantially. Which will probably be my last upgrade with my current Powerbook.
Did you infer that Le has made the switch to the Mac? If so, welcome to edge of innovation Le.

Le said...

No, Stitch, I have not switched to a Mac, but I am considering it. I need to do something, since my notebook is only getting older. It's a dinosaur by computer standards.


Stitch said...

Le, you need to go for it. My son did about 6 months ago and doesn't regret it at all. He has a copy of Windows Vista ( college students get software dirt cheap ), just as a security blanket. Maybe someday he will need it. He says he has only booted up in Vista a couple of times. And mainly to see how Vista compared to OSX. His comment was that it was basically a cheap imitation. A grafting on of some graphic features on the guts of XP. Not like the integrated feel of OSX. Mac fanaticism is optional, but you must place the Apple window sticker in your car rear window!

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Le, once you go Mac, you NEVER go back!