Monday, October 01, 2007

Mac is back on college campuses

Check out this article:

Mac is back

I see it all over ASU - there are Macbooks galore! When the young people start getting Macs, it bodes well for the future, don't you think?


Stitch said...

I think you are seeing a real trend. A major investment firm raised their expected stock price for Apple based on increased popularity of the iPhone, MacBook, and iPod. Once you taste quality, you have to have more. I also read some articles which said that many Windows users are frustrated with MS with the release of Vista. It is a resource hog which took 5 years to develop and still feels like an unfinished project. "Bring me your tired, bring me your quality poor, bring me your MS downtrodden. Come to the land of excellence, the land of Apple."

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Let us erect the "Statue of Compu-Liberty", with Steve Jobs holding a Macbook in one hand and raising the iPhone toward the stars!