Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Time Capsule is the winner

Even after all of the announcements, I think the Time Capsule is the coolest one. The fact that it has WiFi built in is what sets it apart. So you plug this in and have it setup as your central database for backups. All of your computers can wirelessly connect to this device without you realizing it. Backing up in the background whenever you are hooked to the wireless network. Now backups are effortless. With so many people having notebooks now, wireless makes so much sense. Simple setup, and automatic backups over the air. Cool.

1 comment:

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Very, very cool! You know, I was thinking of asking Robin about the possibility of getting AppleTV, and then I realized that I would have to upgrade from our primitive 1st generation Airport to a time capsule, or at least Airport Extreme base station. I don't think AppleTV would work with a 1st gen Airport. So I don't think I could sell the idea to Robin right now. But it really is amazing the possibilities all of these innovations create.