Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Le Séance !

Oh great spirits, we are attempting to contact one our missing followers of MacNight. His spiritual name is "Le". Please release him to the Macworld so that others may benefit from his great knowledge. Why he has been banished for so long has concerned the Mac faithful. Please give us a sign that he is well, and that he will be enriching us with his great wisdom sometime soon. <... beep, please deposit 25 cents ...> Sorry, I have to go now. I'm out of change. <... I'm sorry you call has been disconnected. ...> <... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ...>


Le said...


And, couldn't you have at least enagaged a mystic who takes a credit card????


Stitch said...

Le is back. Oh wise one welcome back. Sorry, but I used "Dial-a-Seance" from a payphone. It's part of the instant generation. Like the drive through funeral homes and the like.

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Let us welcome back the Le-meister with open arms, oh Jimbo-meister. Let Macnight proceed forth unto greatness and much deserved accolades.

Stitch said...

With all the meister talk, I now have a taste for German beer!