Monday, March 03, 2008

MacBook Air in short supply

Gentlemen, the new Macbook Air is reportedly in short supply:

The Air

And indeed, it is the top selling Mac on the Apple Store website. Are we to conclude that the Air is a hit, or is this simply supply shortage with Apple failing to accurately predict demand? It would be surprising to me if the Air retained this position even ahead of the Macbook, given the Macbook's excellent value (in my humble opinion).


Le said...

Impressive news, but I cannot help but wonder if the reason for the shortage is that fact that Apple estimated very low on the sales numbers, due to the price. Based on the nice upgrades that were made to the MacBook, I cannot imagine that Apple had planned on selling that many Airs. If they had, I would think they would have been wary of cannibalizing Air sales.


Stitch said...

They certainly were heavily promoting the Air. Especially during American Idol. It seems they are using Air as the flagship laptop. It certainly does not look like any other laptop. I wonder if some end up being surprised of what is missing in the Air. Anyway, it appears to be a hit. Maybe the compactness overrides its shortcomings.

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Stitch, I cannot believe that a man of your intelligence and education would actually be watching American Idol. Survivor is clearly the superior programming!

Stitch said...

Actually we watch the whole show in about 15 min because we use the DVR and fastforward through all of the fluff. But of course we do stop for the Apple commercials in all their glory. I especially like the new iPhone commercial where there are about 10 iPhones on a table with a bunch of different screens showing all the things you can do with it. Then people reach in and grab an iPhone and take it off the table. I want to know where this table is setup so I can grab one too!!