Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Storm is no iPhone

Check out the link:

Storm, Shmorm

Apparently the Storm hasn't taken the world by Storm! I don't know - I think it has some redeeming features, but it's hard to compare it to the silky smooth operation of the iPhone. Apple has quite a head start, and I think they will continue on the innovation train. By the way, Macworld reviewers were fairly positive toward the Storm - should I dump my subscription?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Zune lost millions!

Check out the link:

Zune Loses

I guess the Zune lost a few bucks recently! I even heard that Ballmer hinted they might phase out the Zune. I gotta tell you, I wouldn't be shedding any tears for the Zune's demise. Brought in as an utterly inferior product, marginally improved, and forever playing catchup with the entire iPod line (including the Touch), I can't say I'll miss it!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Microsoft to lay off 5000

Stitch, check out the link:

Layoff MS

Man, I never thought I would see this! I still remember when we had layoffs at AlliedSignal, how I wished I was at one of the technology companies that was hiring. It shows how bad the economy is right now. A layoff of 5000 is pretty substantial, and the sooner these people are absorbed at other companies, the better. It's just so surprising to see something like this. Fortunately, although Apple may lay off some people at some point, the balance sheet is pretty healthy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Macworld Final Comments

Although there was some grumbling about this Macworld being sub par, I kind of feel this was an average Macworld. I believe that several times new versions of iWork and iLife have been introduced at Macworld, and this one was no different. I was actually rather impressed at their continuing innovation regarding those two software packages. For example, while Garageband didn't get much that is crazy cool ( music lessons are very welcome, but it's not like you can't get software that does the same thing elsewhere), please consider the iPhoto face recognition feature. Now I haven't personally used it, but it sounds pretty darn impressive, and it has received kudos from several reviewers. In fact, I don't know how Apple continues to come up with new ideas for these software packages. And iMovie really has some nice added features that I argue are not the same thing everyone else has.

I admit the new powerbook was more or less the updating of the 17 inch version to what the Macbook has, albeit a lot more powerful.

I suspect the groundbreakers will take place only in the "invitation only" events from now on. Were you disappointed?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Macworld Hype

Is it my imagination, or is there less hype than in the past regarding the Expo? I just think everyone knows the Expo is on its last legs. Nevertheless, I'm hoping for some very cool stuff from Apple. I hereby renew my demand for the Mac Mini to become something great! What do you hope for, Stitch?

Monday, January 05, 2009

Jobs finds cause of weightloss

Jobs has come out with a statement that his doctors have found out why he has been losing weight. Some sort of protein deficiency where his body cannot process proteins properly. He says that he has started therapy for it and should be better by summer if all goes well. This news even gave the Apple stock a boost.