Monday, June 07, 2010

Where is the Love?

For the new iPhone 4 that is. It seems to be another leap forward. Apple doesn't just sit on its laurels. (Is that spelled right? What are laurels anyway?) HD video editing on an iPhone. You gotta be sheeetin me. WOW!! The video calling is super cool too. The problem in the past with companies that tried to make a video phone is that no one you knew had a video phone to call. Self killing market. But the iPhone will be self fulfilling. People aren't just buying this for the video phone capabilities, but as soon as enough people have this capability, it will be mainstream. Then Apple can sell home video phones too. The money train just doesn't stop chugging for Apple. I bet the next innovation at Apple will be something to do with TV's. They are way past due for fixing TV. Especially the internet TV. Google TV needs a competitor. And hey, Google just does something to get more Ads in front of your face. I would like to see an open market place for internet TV from Apple where the cost of programs are dynamic. Forget this everything the same price crap. Let the market decide what a show should cost. Pleeeeeese Apple. Anyway, the new iPhone is impressive. Not a minor upgrade. Once again Apple, well done.

1 comment:

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Stitch, allow me to amplify. You are indeed correct - this is a leap forward for the iPhone over the 3rd generation.

Don't forget, Stitch, there is now a GYROSCOPE!!! What are game developers going to come up with now??? THink about how this affects the app market for games?

Up until now, I have never really saw the iPhone and say "I'm lusting after that and I'm considering buying one". The costs for data and calling (not to mention texting) adds up fast! But when I watched the video on the iPhone4, the cool factor has me drooling to an extent that I want one! I'm really going to have to wait and exhale, however. I'm still lusting over the iPad!!

Leave it to Apple to adapt the kick butt applications like iMovie for the mobile world. THings are a changin'!

I'd really like Apple to release a home run with the AppleTV, Stitch. THings are changing so much, that we're going to have to leave our "over the air" access to television behind in the 20th century! It is truly getting to the point where one has to simply make the move to the new delivery systems.

I could not agree more with you Stitch - Apple, a job well done!!