Friday, May 13, 2011

Macintoshafanatica is an iPad2 owner

Stitch, I must apologize for being MIA on our Macnight blog. Things became quite messy here at work, but they have since stabilized nicely. I must relay the information that we are now proud owners of a new iPad2, 64 Gb wi-fi. A few observations having used it for about a week. (I actually posted this a couple days ago, but for some reason it was taken down!)

1. It is truly the ultimate web machine. In this respect, it is better than a desktop computer, and definitely better than my iPod Touch. I absolutely love it. In fact, I am typing this as we speak on our iPad. This brings me to...

2. I can actually type faster on the iPad 2 in landscape mode than I can on a regular keyboard. This is because I do not type correctly, however, and the slightly smaller keyboard makes it easy for me to type incorrectly. Don't laugh!

3. It is a dream to watch a movie or tv show on this device. I have already rented 2 movies, and I have ripped some tv shows that I own. Awesome.

4. It is not as good as the iPod Touch for listening to music for obvious reasons.

5. This machine makes me far more responsive on email than I have ever been because it is so damn conveninent.

6. We did not buy the smartcover, because we think we would have regretted it. Found out from a salesperson at the Apple store that the clicking of the cover on the aluminum case eventually causes small dings. Outrageous! However, cases have never been Apple's forte.

7. GarageBand for the iPad is absolutely kick butt, and I believe software like that will be the reason more people buy the iPad than other tablet computers.

Well, that's enough for now. Any questions? Oh, and I highly recommend the iPad2!!

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