Le, I am happy you are posting again. Keep up the good work. A picture with this post would have greatly enhanced the post. You know that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Hello there gentlemen! I'm happy to see your blog about the only possible choice in computers and stuff.
However, my mission here is simply to make you jeallous. Some years ago Apple had a competition here in Sweden; they wanted people to tell them how Mac have changed their lifes. I started to write and there was so much I had to tell them - I ended up writing a long ”loveletter” to Mac and I wrote ”I understand if you can't use this in your competition, but I want you to know anyhow”.
I didn't win the contest BUT they sent me an Apple-watch!
Le, I am happy you are posting again. Keep up the good work. A picture with this post would have greatly enhanced the post. You know that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Ah, Stitch...nice of you to join us. I looked for a pic, but there wasn't one that I could find.
Hello there gentlemen! I'm happy to see your blog about the only possible choice in computers and stuff.
However, my mission here is simply to make you jeallous. Some years ago Apple had a competition here in Sweden; they wanted people to tell them how Mac have changed their lifes. I started to write and there was so much I had to tell them - I ended up writing a long ”loveletter” to Mac and I wrote ”I understand if you can't use this in your competition, but I want you to know anyhow”.
I didn't win the contest BUT they sent me an Apple-watch!
Gents! News has it that the next generation ROKR will drop iTunes, in favor of Motorola's own music service!
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