Friday, November 11, 2005

Virgin iPod Nano

Gentlemen, here is a picture of the iPod Nano case in its virgin state. I wanted to share the beauty with you:


Macintosha Fanatica said...

Please note the glorious reflection of the OSX emblem emblazoned on the glass table!

Stitch said...

I see you like to document all of your life's important events. Just as parents photograph their children, you too photograph events which will live in infamy.

Le said...

Ah, the 'virgin Nano' that becomes defiled by the man who prostitutes himself to the Mac!!

Macintosha Fanatica said...

I am not a whore!! I have a very respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with the iPod nano - it is an indispensible companion!

Le said...

Uhhh, you freely sell yourself to the Apple dynasty, is not healthy to deny the lurid nature of your relationship with the Nano!