Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Disney adds video content to iTunes

Did you hear that Disney/ABC/Other TV is expanding its video content on iTunes? They stated that the video iPods have sold well and downloads have been good. Some of the content will be ESPN and the ever famous Kim Possible.

They are sticking with the $1.99 / episode deal which I think is a bit high for something your only going to watch once. Maybe Apple could do a video subscription service like cable/dish, but you don't get to keep the video. This makes more sense for non Classic shows. Disney did comment that they will not include commercials on iTunes at Apples request but may on other services. What do you think?

1 comment:

Macintosha Fanatica said...

But Stitch, when you have kids you may watch it quite a bit, no? And people shell out pretty good money for books and DVD's which they won't read/watch nearly as much as they will listen to their favorite songs. I would say it is rather price competetive!