Sunday, October 16, 2011

Woz is back?

A strange story caught my eye today. It was about Steve Wozniak waiting in line at an Apple store to get an iPhone 4S. This makes no sense. Does Woz actually have to wait in line to get an Apple product? Doesn't he get one complimentary out of respect his "holiness"? Or is Apple using Woz to stir attention about the 4S? It actually would make sense. Woz is that lovable geek guy that you just can't hate. Yes he is the ultimate of nerdiness, but still respected for the amazing feats that he did way back in the early days of Apple. Without Woz there would be no Apple. Jobs may have been the visionary but Woz was the implementor.

I can imagine Woz coming back to Apple as sort of a iconic figurehead for the company. He certainly could not be the spokesman, but in a way he is like the Ringo of the Beatles. Sure McCartney and Lennon were the backbone of the Beatles, but Ringo always had this disarming charm about him. He seemed perfectly harmless. Woz is this guy. He would be able to add some pizzaz to the keynotes by just being Woz. Not in a salesman sort of way, but just someone who represents the amazing history of Apple. I think they should use Ives more in the keynotes too. His psychiatrist like soft spoken way about him brings such calm and serenity to any presentation he gives. Usually we only see Ives in a video talking about the beauty of the design of Apple products. He in my view is the best for presenting the coolness of Apple. The other guy I really like is hardware guy with the military style buzz cut. He seems like a no nonsense kind of guy. You need people on stage who are believable, even if they are not as polished. Schiller always seems to be a little off when presenting. Befuzzled might be the word. Sure he is top management but that doesn't mean he should present. Sorry, just a few random thoughts there. But I really think that getting Woz back on board would be beneficial to Apple. Of course Woz should hold back a bit on the Twinkies if he plans to be on stage. We love ya Woz, in a dorky kind of way. Woz in line for iPhone 4S

1 comment:

Macintosha Fanatica said...

I would be surprised if Woz was in fact being officially used in any capacity by Apple. I guess anything is possible, but I always feel the simpler explanation (he chose to wait in line like everybody else) is more plausible. By the way, I got his iWoz biography a while back, but I haven't read it. I've already pre-ordered Job's official biography along with everyone else.

I agree that Schiller never seems very comfortable on stage. I must admit that I liked the keynote that Tim Cook gave. He is not as flamboyant as Jobs, obviously, but he has a blend of business like quality with excitement that is refreshing. I'm optimistic about his tenure as CEO.

You know, I think Scott Forstall has a very nice presence at the presentations. He is so logical and understated while he presents very cool features of the software. There is no question that Ives would be a great presenter.

Speaking of Ringo - the man seems ageless!