Jobs is scheduled to give a 3 hour keynote at the WWDC on June 11! I don't think I've ever seen him give a keynote that long. I speculate 1 hour for Mac Leopard programming stuff, and 2 hours for the launch of the incredible iPhone! Hey, he might even give the attendees free iPhones! (Yeah, right!)
I hope they plan on having an intermission so the attendees can visit the restrooms and stretch their legs.
My predictions are 1 hr iPhone, 1/2 hr for iPhone like iPods, 1/2 hr for Apple TV, and 1 hr for a new Apple product.
Now what could that new product be? They have done something audio with the iPod, something visual with the Apple TV. That leaves something for your tastebuds, nose and touch. My money is on the iSmell air freshener. This device will connect wirelessly to the internet so that you can have new smells generated all the time. The ocean breeze one day, and a chilly October night in Maine another. It will eventually integrate with the iEnvironment which pulls in all 5 senses but that is still under development.
And Le calls me the Mac nut! :)
You know, it would be great if they updated the Apple TV in some way, like giving the option for a larger hard drive, or giving the option to buy content directly from the internet through a software update!
I am sure that Apple will listen to people's comments to ATV and revamp the unit. Maybe the hard drive size was considered big enough because it is not intended to have all of your programming on ATV but on another computer or server. I guess Apple thinks that people will have servers soon in their homes. Maybe that is the new product. Apple Home Server, for all your media storage, 3 terabytes!
I'd buy a 3 terabyte server! (If the price was right!) These days, terabytes are rapidly becoming the denomination of storage choice!
A terabyte! Wow, can't that hold all of the content of everything ever written and produced in media for all of mankind? What even comes after a terabyte? Let's see, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, reallyreallybigbyte.
Yes, Lo, and I still do call you a Mac Nut!!
I think the next level after terabyte is Quajillibyte!
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