Thursday, April 05, 2007

Grab the pitchfork

I have noticed that some of our MacNight members have stopped posting all together. This is quite sad. Obviously there is plenty to say, and many Apple topics to comments on. Or even make one more of an issue than it really is. It's actually quite fun to do. We don't want an angry mob forming soon. We know you are out there. We have that GPS tracking device we planted on you, so we know.
OK, maybe you don't even check back to MacNight anymore. Try posting just one post. And before long you will be a regular poster. It can be addictive. You know you want to.


Le said...

Stitch, Lo - to the armory!! Grab the pitch fork!! Get the rope...there's gonna be a hangin'!! :-)

Having been one of those accused of inadequate #'s of postings, I tend to understand that perhaps there's just a lot goin' on for them, and posting is not at the top of the list at the moment. It's cool...


Macintosha Fanatica said...

I feel like suiting up in the great armor of the men and beasts of "Lord of the Rings". Forward, men, and beyond! Magnight, or nothing!!! (This is waht Lord of the Rings makes me feel like when listening on my new speakers)

Stitch said...

I don't want to incite a mob scene. OK it might be exciting as the two of you seemed to jump into action at the meer mention of it. It is cool, yes. Just a little prodding doesn't hurt. Even with a pitchfork. Just want to make sure everyone is awake.

McFan wasn't it the other day that you said that when you watched and listened to "Sleepless in Seattle" on your new surround sound speakers that you had a tear in your eye. I may be mistaken, but I thought it was you.

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Twas not I, oh great Stitch of the lineage of great Kings of old! I watch the venerable movies about the ancient ways and medieval times, and I eschew the tales of the drab modern world.

Macintosha Fanatica said...

Except "Casino Royale", of course!